What a job. It think this has to be the hardest and most rewarding job there is. Each and everyone one of you are my hero. Here is a small tribute to each of you. Thanks for letting me capture these special moments between you and your children. I know that it is always hard for us, as mothers, to get in front of the camera, but what a great gift you are giving your children by sharing yourself with them in images.

“Mothering doesn’t just mean caring for; it also means caring about – recognizing each of our children as unique individuals and cherishing them just as they are.”

I hope each of you has a very special day. Take some time for yourselves. You deserve it.
A special thanks to Mike Moreland for capturing this shot of Chandler and I. As you all know, this is the most important job that I do everyday. Thanks Chandler for making every day Mother’s Day and for allowing me the privilege of calling myself a “Mother”. I Love You.

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