Meghan & John

What a way to start my career in Chicago. This couple was a BLAST. Not only were they completely in love, which shows in every shot, but they were surrounded by love and warmth from their family and friends. You all know that I love being a part of such a great group of people. Not only that but the weather is incredible here right now. I think that the high this weekend was 80 degrees and no humidity. It is beautiful, but be sure to check back with me in January.

Midwest family values were everywhere at this wedding. Meghan has three baby brothers, so needless to say she was well taken care of and John passed the “Sweeney” test. He was a great guy and I love the shot where she is listening to the pre-ceremony music. She kept saying “I just want to kiss him”. How sweet is that. I felt like I had known this couple all of my life. Thanks guys for welcoming me with open arms and I hope that you are soaking in up in St. Lucia.

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