You must all wonder where I have been. If you visited with me while I was in Atlanta, then you know that I have been a busy beaver behind the scenes. What a wonderful trip I had, and I really enjoyed seeing all of you. Please continue to check back to see some of the exciting shoots that we all had together.

For today, I hope you are all enjoying your family and friends. There are so many things that I am thankful for, but I wanted to take a minute to acknowledge them. Like many of you, my life is blessed. My list of blessing could go on and on, but a few always stand out:


These are just a few, but to all of you I want to say that I am thankful that you trust me enough to capture the special times in your life that are “priceless” to you. Without you all, I wouldn’t have the ability to express my creativity the way that I do. It is with pride that I add each of you to my list of things to be thankful for today. Each of you mean so much to me. All the way from snowy Chicago, Thank You.

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