The Cantieri Family…

Another amazing shoot with the Cantieri family. I love all of the summer greenery and definitely the late afternoon light that we found in their backyard!!! It was great to finally meet you guys, and thank you so much for your hospitality and delicious dinner. My thoughts will be with you all this week as Nick heads off to college. The excitement and reservations that you must be feeling are definitely something that I can relate to at this time in our lives! I am certain that he will SOAR higher than any of us can even imagine! GO ILLINI!!! Enjoy!

Phyll - September 3, 2009 - 7:53 am

Beautiful photography! Especially portraits. Very creative, clever
poses, endearing, charming.

Check out my photos and blog, too.

I'll list your blog if you'll list mine on yours, too! Take care.
Drop me a line sometime.


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