Don’t Blink…

Sometimes life moves so quickly. It was just the other day that I glanced up from my keyboard and realized that October was already gone. I have no idea how that happened nor do I have any idea where the last eighteen years have gone. Somewhere along the way life seems to have gotten away from me.

The drill sergeant and perfectionist in me is always going and always coming up with more and more things to do and do them “Just Right”!. When will I get this done and when will I get that done is my middle name, but at this time in life I have to have a few priorities. It is time for LIFE itself to become a priority. No more reflecting on the past, looking forward to the future, but really just enjoying today.

Sometimes life moves just so fast and I really don’t want to look up from this keyboard again and have missed it. I want to take time for the simple things this holiday season. There is going to be nothing like seeing friends and family, both old and new, and celebrating the birth of our savior, the abundance that we all have in our own lives, and the accomplishmentst that we have had in 2009. You know…all the things in life that REALLY matter.

So Monday and Tuesday are my last shoots of 2009 in Atlanta. After that I will be busy getting you guys all ready for the holidays and really focusing clearly on the things that matter and not the things that we think matter in life.

I love you guys. Thank you for your continued love and support in 2009. January is going to be a big transition time for our family as Chandler heads off to college. Please keep him and us, as his parent, in your prayers!

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