Mr. .&. Mrs. McDonald…

Happy Thursday!!!  

Last Saturday was a day that I had been looking forward to for a very long time.  Jeremy and Cassie are such a special couple and it doesn’t hurt that they are simply gorgeous and my camera can’t get enough of them.  Being a part of their wedding was a real pleasure, and even more special because Cassie and her family are so dear to us.  

After a summer shower, the sun peeked its rays back through and I thought that this image captured the happenings of the day, in terms of weather, and especially captured the essence of their new marriage.  

So here is a little sneak peek and lots of love for you both.  ENJOY!!!

misty - August 5, 2010 - 10:37 am


Sadi lane - September 1, 2010 - 4:18 am

I love this shot Tricia, the colors are gorgeous, the post processing on it is fantastic! Quite a lovely shot!

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