A Road Trip…

 My Road Trip starts today.    

Got up bright and early.  So thankful for my iPad and have been busy downloading new books.  Need a little “favorite” reading material advice ASAP!

I’ve packed clothes, snacks (trail mix and granola bars galore), and am still trying not to freak out about packing my own TP!  

Work gear is charged and packed.  There will be lots of shooting in the orphanages, and so I threw in extra memory cards, card reader, laptop and my iPhone too.  Even though, rumor has it that I won’t be calling any of you this week without an international calling plan, which I don’t have. 

I’m super excited for this week…beautiful children, new photographer friendships, and LOTS of love.    

Thankful for those of you that have been so generous with your donations to the kids of Ecuador.  I can’t wait to share our experiences and their gratitude with ALL of you. 

So I’m packed and ready to hit the road.  What would a ROAD TRIP be without fun, laughter, new surroundings and fresh air?!?!? 



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