What Matters Most…

Be forewarned…this one is going to be DEEP, Monday.

 I am fully aware that you either love or despise OPRAH…yes, her name made my blog, but I caught an episode a couple of weeks ago that really made me stop and think.  One of the questions asked of her very famous interviewee was “What word or virtue best describes what matters most to you…”?

 The month of May has been such a busy month around here, and there are so many things to share and remember, but I took the time to really sit with this question after hearing it and even though I will keep my well thought out answer off this blog, I do want to share a couple of my thoughts.  What I’m becoming very aware of, in life, is that all that will be left of each of us one day is the difference that we each made in someone else’s life.  Let’s face it even the best of us will be nothing short of a memory sometime in the future.

 Maybe this has become all too apparent recently because of the news received by some of our dear friends who are battling terminal illnesses.  Their time here is very short and so you start to cherish every single moment and the memories that will linger for those that are left behind.  Not to mention, that the differences that seemed oh so real and important with others simply fall to the waste side and become nothing short of a petty waste of time.  Shouldn’t each of us live each day knowing that even though we aren’t currently aware of our pending date with death that each of us have that same destiny and dedicate ourselves to making a difference for others while we are here?  What I mean by this is that each day, each moment is a gift…let’s be thankful and make the most of them not for ourselves, but for those around us and for the future generations to come…not out of fear, but simply out of love (could be the word that matters the most to me).

 Today I am so thankful for the men and women who have selflessly given their lives, either figuratively or literally, to allow me the privilege of calling myself a FREE American and for the ability to often reflect on “WHO I REALLY AM and what matters most to me”….


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