Cows and Butterflies…

It’s been a 6 month love affair unlike any other…like so many things in my life, I have approached this relationship with a little bit of fear which I think means that I am very much alive.  It’s true, blog family; I am a little bit afraid of my new neighbors and have approached our occasional meeting from beyond the fence, which has somehow felt so very safe.

 Every once in a while, you have to follow the example of the young people in your life and that’s exactly how my first REAL up close and personal cow encounter came to pass last Wednesday night.  Bryant didn’t seem to have the fear that life experiences have given me and he hurdled the fence without hesitating.  Let it be known that these animals are enormous and even more so without a fence, but he simply walked right up to them with his hand out no fear in sight.  It didn’t take long before I followed suit and the experience and memories that followed are something that I won’t soon forget.  I can honestly say that my little dose of fear about new challenges in life is ALWAYS present and I hope it always will be…can you imagine how boring life would be without those little butterflies in your belly?   There’s just something about those little flutters that put a smile on my face and keep this journey fully ALIVE!

 Happy Monday.



This is Freckles…he is just so ugly that he is HANDSOME…he loved me the most and the feeling was clearly mutual!

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