My Ecuador Sista…

Last week 10,000+  photographers flocked to Atlanta for one of our annual conventions.  Even though my schedule only allowed me to spend one afternoon there, it was fantastic and so much fun catching up with old friends and making new ones right in my own backyard.

 The highlight of the week was running into one of my uber fabulous Ecuador roommates better known as my SISTA.  The fact that we call each other SISTA is really quite ironic.  You see the fact is that we couldn’t be more opposite…

she is from Brooklyn and I am from the boonies, she is brunette and I am blonde (well, with a little help),

she is most comfortable wearing all things BLACK and I am most comfortable wearing any and every color of the rainbow,

she speaks fluent Spanish and I speak fluent SOUTHERN,

she travels on public transportation daily and I haven’t been on a subway in years,

my neighbors are farm animals and her neighbors are WELL very nearby…and the list goes on and on,

but for some reason we were drawn to each other in Ecuador and have stayed close every since.  Rachel is easy to love and has the sweetest heart you will ever want to know.  She saved me in Ecuador because I DID NOT speak the language although I desperately wanted to communicate with the children.  Yes, she saved me and gave me a voice.

 Anyway, when she mentioned that she was staying an extra day in Atlanta (and that day happened to be her birthday) and she would LOVE to visit the farm, I automatically went into panic mode.  What in the world would she think of my small corner of the world and would the slow pace of this place that we call home bore her to tears?!?!?!?  To my relief, our time together was amazing and I even talked her into a quick photo session totally focused on her…after all, it was her BIRTHDAY.

 I cherish sweet friendships and always enjoy the time that we get to spend together.  To know and appreciate your differences and what those differences can bring to each other’s lives is a gift.  Our next visit will be in New York and let it be known that this counterfeit farm-girl is up for the challenge.

 How gorgeous is my SISTA?


LOVE her in color here…

Rachel Elkind - February 12, 2013 - 3:33 pm

OMG….what can I say…sista…this is such a wonderful memory of you and your world and now my world. Thank you for making my black…pure and white…. xxoo

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