Farewell Summer…

The days are getting shorter and suddenly it’s becoming evident that there are only a few fleeting summer days left in this year.  It’s been a great summer around here and although I hate to see it go, there is something so full of promise and potential about the early autumn mornings on this farm.

So, in honor of the last few days, I pulled myself out of the warmth of sunkissed sheets and found my way into the pasture just to be surrounded by the early morning silence with only the faint sound of a rooster crowing somewhere in the distance.

Wandering in pastures is not the most glamorous job that I’ve ever had…it requires the ability to climb a few fences which sounds so easy, but somehow I always wind up getting stuck mid–climb with no option except to hoist myself on over, then there’s that wonderful gushy feeling of stepping in a few fresh cow patties (yes, the smell will clear any sinus problem that you may be having), getting snagged by a few bob-wires and I can’t tell you how many spider webs I have walked into this year…all while wearing pajamas and these lovely wellies…it is a sight for sore eyes, but isn’t that the beauty of living in the country…no-one is around to see these crazy antics and even if they were, no-one cares…all of this in order to “GET THE SHOT” as we like to say in this business.

Happy Thursday to you!

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