Deck The Halls…

It didn’t feel like the holidays in this little farmhouse until this past Saturday.  I must admit that this picture gal knows and loves pictures, but if I ever get a second chance I think I will be a forager.  Until then, one of the greatest blessings in life is having talented friends that have mastered their art and are willing to share it with you.  Keith is without a doubt one of those guys and his talent just oozes out when you are around him which always leaves me so inspired.

As has been the case most of 2013, in Atlanta, it was pouring down rain, but I wasn’t about to let that damper my spirits.  So we threw on ours boots (his are WAY cooler than mine) he foraged and I babbled all while snapping pictures and before we knew it this place was rearranged and glorious.  The smallest of changes in this little space just has a way of making it feel more like home.

I promise to post finished product pictures soon, but I would love to hear more about your traditions for the holidays and what makes this time of year special for you and your family.


Debbie - December 21, 2013 - 2:37 pm

Those vintage snips.

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