A Lovely Workshop (Wedding Day)…

I am still cherishing the many friendships and breathtaking beauty that took place at A Lovely Workshop back in April of this year, and every once in awhile, I come across another group of images that I just can’t wait to share.

In honor of the upcoming engagement months and the future brides and grooms, Wednesday seems as good a day as any to share a list of some of the best in the business local vendors and simply stunning wedding inspiration.


Location: Sea Island Resort

Props & Fashion Stylist: Ginny Branch

Floral Design: Amy Osaba

Vintage Rentals & Set Design: Blueeyed Yonder

Hair & Makeup: Erin Skipley & Claudia Mejerle

Calligraphy: Maybelle Calligraphy & Design

Suit: Billy Reid

Gown, Robe and Cap: Claire Pettibone

The Stewarts…

It’s so hard to imagine that we are quickly approaching the end of October!  Am I the only one that wishes the fall season lasted all year long?  There’s no denying that busyness comes along with this wonderful time of year; however, I for one don’t mind a bit.  The colors are breath taking, the temperatures are perfect, football is on most every single day and my calendar is full of so many great sessions right now.  This Georgia girl is H.A.P.P.Y!

Here’s a sneak of a recent session that was full of love and light.  Yes, those are my most favorite things and  I was so glad to spend a morning with this little family…LOVE THEM TO PIECES.

Hope you’re all having a great start to your week.


Heavens To Betsy, Chaos…

Heavens To Betsy, I just read that Macy’s is now going to be opening their doors at 8:00pm on Thanksgiving.  YES, Black Friday is now officially creeping into Thursday and all things family, food, naps and football.  Let the busy season begin.

I know that most of our lives are overwhelmed with to-do lists and chaos this time of year, and I have to admit that I am one of the few folks that seem to thrive on a hectic schedule.  But I have come to realize, over the years, that the sun is still going to come up tomorrow if somehow the dreaded to-dos don’t get accomplished exactly as scheduled, and that in the end happiness isn’t measured on the number of task completed, but on the love that was shared.

So whether you prefer green bean casserole with extra crunchy onion things on top, sweet potatoes with brown sugar and pecans or mini-marhsmallows, or the guilty pleasure of most anything with more fat grams than you ever allow yourself in one day much less one meal, take the time to slow it all down, enjoy the simple things and love on those that sometimes tend to get lost in the hustle and bustle that we so fondly call THE HOLIDAYS!



learning your fancy camera…

Recently, I spent a creative afternoon with Cletia and Vivien showing them how the fancy features of their DSLR cameras work.  It’s like a light bulb suddenly goes off the very minute that they learn that using the smiley face or the P on their camera doesn’t always make the prettiest pictures.

Sharing my passion for photography with others is always so much fun, and there’s something really special about being there for that moment when people capture their first photograph where they’ve actually controlled the light and details all by themselves.  It has a way of making me fall in love with my own photography all over again.

Can we all agree that our models were the most adorable and very willing to cooperate…not a single one of them seemed to be the least little bit camera shy which melts my heart.

Have a great week y’all.