Uconn vs Michigan…

Last weekend was a weekend that we won’t soon forget, and our favorite part was hearing from all of you.  Your love and support have made this journey that Chandler is on so much more rewarding.

Life is funny sometimes and one of the things that I find most interesting right now is how our son is teaching me life lessons.  I tend to like life simple, small and full of silent courage, but he has always chased the BIGGEST dreams with the loudest roar and with what seems to be the total lack of fear.  Honestly, sometimes I sit back and watch and am astounded that God is using him to continue to educate me.  I am so open to the lessons and am well aware that in order to live a full life there must be continued growth.  This is the quote that I sent Chandler before the game last Saturday and the lesson, that ironically, I was the one to learn.

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt


(Chandler and Devin spent several summers together during high school at different camps and go way back so this was the one picture that I was really hoping would be captured on Saturday…this journey is so full of friendships and bonds that will never be severed win or lose.)

Photo Credit: Getty Images

Pretty in Lace…

The shorter days and cooler temperatures are official now, and honestly, I ‘m still a little sad to see summer go.  Once I smell my first bon-fire and put on my favorite pair of boots, I know I will finally be glad to see the seasons change, but until then, I’m squeezing out every last bit of summer that I can get my hands on.

There are so many sessions and adventures to share from this past summer which was full of travel, and growth, but for now I can’t wait to share the second half of my visit with Kelly here in Atlanta.  We really did have an amazing day together.  Here’s a little taste of what happened when she decided to grab the lace throw out of our living room…she’s kinda magical like that.


In addition to being pretty spectacular with a camera, she has the most eloquent way of expressing herself.  Please take a minute to read her post and how she experienced our day.  She is one talented and beautiful lady that I’m awfully proud to call friend.

YES, Kelly…I do love this, DO YOU?

Kelly Sauer - September 25, 2013 - 10:02 am

Oh I *love* this! Thank you for sharing this fun here – I hoped you’d be the one to post the ones of me! Thank you so much for them!

Farewell Summer…

The days are getting shorter and suddenly it’s becoming evident that there are only a few fleeting summer days left in this year.  It’s been a great summer around here and although I hate to see it go, there is something so full of promise and potential about the early autumn mornings on this farm.

So, in honor of the last few days, I pulled myself out of the warmth of sunkissed sheets and found my way into the pasture just to be surrounded by the early morning silence with only the faint sound of a rooster crowing somewhere in the distance.

Wandering in pastures is not the most glamorous job that I’ve ever had…it requires the ability to climb a few fences which sounds so easy, but somehow I always wind up getting stuck mid–climb with no option except to hoist myself on over, then there’s that wonderful gushy feeling of stepping in a few fresh cow patties (yes, the smell will clear any sinus problem that you may be having), getting snagged by a few bob-wires and I can’t tell you how many spider webs I have walked into this year…all while wearing pajamas and these lovely wellies…it is a sight for sore eyes, but isn’t that the beauty of living in the country…no-one is around to see these crazy antics and even if they were, no-one cares…all of this in order to “GET THE SHOT” as we like to say in this business.

Happy Thursday to you!


Ashley and I go way, way back.  I had the privilege of photographing her engagement session and wedding several years ago, and knew instantly that she was a natural in front of the camera.  A terrific marriage, 2 children and a move across the country later, I was so excited that she was going to be back in Georgia and that we would get to spend an afternoon together.  She was stunning, the sunlight wowed me and it was an afternoon to remember for certain.


We found this little bird’s nest laying in the field probably sometime shortly after we were photo-bombed by Mona, the cow, but that is a different post for another day.

I must admit that I am completely in awe of their attention to detail and the things in nature that they randomly find…look at the little black netting…are you kidding me?  

Artifact Uprising…

They had my attention the minute I read their mission statement:

“inspired by the disappearing beauty of the tangible”

If you are searching for a unique and creative way to print your photos, please take a minute to visit their site.