Kelly Sauer and just your average rainy Saturday…

My sweet friend, Kelly Sauer, came to town recently and we spent the most ordinary rainy Saturday together.  She is talented beyond measure and has the gift of taking the ordinary and making it seem so extraordinary.  I know that is probably the most over used cliche in the world, but in this particular case it couldn’t be more accurate.

Please visit Kelly’s blog post to catch a glimpse of what happens when two seemingly introverted photographers spend a little time together and one of us shares her gifted vision with the camera.


Oh and just a quick history behind this Rich’s bag that I grabbed on my way out the door to the farmer’s market.

 Our friends/family have a “White Elephant Gift” swap every year on Christmas night.  This year one of the families used this bag as their wrapping paper because they thought it was trash and they didn’t have time to actually wrap gifts…totally not judging them because they are new parents of infant twins and 2 toddlers.  Anyway, I couldn’t be more thrilled that their trash, and quick solution to their busy family problems became my treasure.  I can’t actually tell you what the REAL gift was inside the bag, but I was NOT going home without that cute little tote.  Call me an old soul or a throw-back/retro junkie/hoarder, but I adore this little tote and I promise you that it will be used as a prop in some of my sessions in the future.  It’s just that darling.  Isn’t it?!?!?

Glimmer Salon, Sneak Peek…

I’m finally home and busy working on these images from a recent trip to Chicago, and a creative collaboration with Glimmer Salon.  Oh how I love and miss those gals, and the afternoon that we spent together was perfect I tell you!  Soft and romantic gowns, beautiful make-up and organic floral crowns…I just can’t get enough.

There’s so much more pretty coming soon…ENJOY!!!

Gowns: 221 Creations 

Birthday Week…

Last week was the annual “birthday week” at our house. They seem to be showing up more and more quickly every single year, but to be perfectly honest with you, my struggle is not with the number that is now attached to my age, but being the mother of a young man that is now well into his adult life and just how quickly his childhood passed me by.

Anyway, it was a fantastic week and you all were so kind to remember and reach out to both of us.

There’s no doubt that next year will be here almost before I can finish typing this post, but I intend to enjoy every single minute of the journey.

I hope you all have a great weekend.


Saturday Market…

I can’t remember the last time that it felt like fall on August 17th in Atlanta, but it was the perfect morning to spend with an out of town friend at The Farmer’s Market.

Maybe you too have discovered Serenbe Farms, but it you haven’t yet, please add it to one of your “must see” destinations.  It is a certified organic farm that is nurtured and sustained with so much love, and it’s my favorite hidden treasure to explore.

There are always new and beautiful bounties to experience, and the folks there couldn’t be any more welcoming and have a unique way of making you feel like part of their family.

“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorow.” ~ Audrey Hepburn