Shy Neighbors…

My neighbors are shy.  No, like painfully shy…you know the type…like run from me every time they see me, shy, and forget about it if they EVER see me coming with my camera, but I am determined and SLOWLY making progress.  They are handsome, and strong and I just know that ONE DAY they will walk right up and stick their noses right in my camera, but for today…here is a sneak peek (there was a whole lot of sneaking going on to even make this happen) from a distance on a chilly winter morning down on the farm.


Ginger Willard - February 23, 2013 - 7:41 am

Awe, your neighbors are adorable! Would LOVE to have neighbors like them.

Love in Everyday Language…

I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine’s Day.  My favorite part of the day has nothing to do with chocolates, flowers or even Hallmarks, but that we take the time to do the simple things for each other that we all tend to take for granted the other 364 days a year.   There is no greater gift than love, and what a wonderful gift we could all give each other if we took the time every single day to listen, understand and greet each other with kindness and a smile.

AND if all else fails, you can always pull out the candles.  Everything is better by candlelight.  I promise candlelight is fluent in most every love language.

Happy Weekend!

Sometimes I do buy a book for it’s cover…

Last week, I mentioned that I have been suffering from a slight case of good ole fashioned Writer’s Block.  No, I am not an official writer, but I do gain a sense of pleasure from keeping up with this blog, and I believe in my heart of hearts that there is nothing more inspiring or creative than putting pen to paper.   Maybe it’s the creative soul in me, but try as I might over the last few weeks I have had to simply sit and wait on the inspiration to find ME and it has been so frustrating.

 In hopes of speeding up the process, I tried to disconnect from all modern technology by putting down the phone, visiting my computer only on a limited basis and NO TEXT or E-MAILS.

 And just when I thought my waiting, which is not one of my best qualities, was all for nothing, THIS happened.  I was visiting with a friend and ran across this adorable little book screaming at me from the shelf.  To be honest, at first I thought it was a novel, and I really didn’t care what the novel was about…I WANTED the book and was ready to run out and make the purchase simply because I LOVED THE COVER.  I am well aware of the golden rule that you can’t judge a book by it’s cover, but this time I was guilty…my judgment was made and whatever was printed inside the covers of this one just didn’t matter….I WANTED to own it and display it ONLY because of the beautiful cover.

 Low and Behold, when I finally stood still the inspiration came…you see, this little book is a 5-year journal with daily prompts.  Daily inspiration has visited and even though I wish I had found this journal several years ago…how much fun will it be to glance back at my answers after a couple of years have gone by…I am ready to make the time every day to put my words on the pages.

 PAPER AND PEN PLEASE DON’T EVER GO AWAY…there is nothing more romantic or inspiring.


Debbie - February 8, 2013 - 8:57 am

It’s so beautiful! Is it vintage? I want one.

admin - February 8, 2013 - 9:02 am

That’s exactly why I wanted it so bad. No, it’s not vintage. It’s the most amazing journal ever and it prompts you with a daily question. You will love it.