Liz .&. Ryan

Liz and Ryan are a super nice couple and I enjoyed getting to know them. They had an awesome wedding day…..picture perfect weather and they spent the entire day surrounded by wonderful family and friends. This was quite a special family because Liz is one of 8 children. Her 6 brothers brought her to tears twice with two loving surprises. Once when they surprised her during the ceremony by singing a song that she really wanted played during the ceremony, but had scratched it because she thought there wasn’t going to be enough time, and again by each taking a turn to break in on the “Father/Daughter” dance to have a special time alone with her. I don’t think there was a dry eye in the place including mine. Again I am reminded that these events are unique to every family and I really enjoy being a part of each one of them. I hope you enjoy just a few of the images. Be sure to check out the eyes on this flower girl. She was so easy to photograph.

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