The Ferdon Family…

Okay…I haven’t totally disappeared. I just got home from an 8 day trip of fun times in Florida at an amazing workshop with 20 new photographers/friends and then went straight to my all time favorite city, the ATL, for a grand total of 14 shoots and 1 amazing Easter Egg Hunt that I simply have no words to describe, but fortunately I have plenty of images and I can’t wait to share them with you guys. Anyway, it was a blast. The weather was simply fabulous, and spending time with family and friends, some of of which I haven’t seen in over 20 years, was just what the doctor ordered.

Now I am back and rejuvenated and have so much to share. Let’s start with a family session full of love, emotion and all the things that I enjoy the most. The Ferdons have been clients for several years, and I always enjoy spending an afternoon with them. Being around them you can just feel the love that they all share with each other. I hope you can feel it yourselves when you view these images. ENJOY!!!

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