Snow Day 2014 Round 2 (farm girl style)…

There is something inside of me that won’t let myself rest when I know that there is a fresh blanket of snow on the ground.  I desperately wanted to sleep in and cuddle up in the warmth a little longer this morning, but I kept opening one eye just to see if snow had fallen over night because for some reason I was feeling cheated by the ice that we got yesterday.  Low and behold, the snow did come and my inner Artist got us out from under the warm covers and into the pasture bright and early.

Honestly, I think these guys are starting to get used to me and my camera.  The first couple of times that I ventured out the whole entire herd would huddle around me and look at me like I was loosing it.  Now a days, there are just one or two that are willing to get a little close to me and the others just go on about their business (whatever the heck that is).

These cows are like pets, or at least that’s what my sweet farmer neighbor tells me, and I have never ever had a single problem with any of them.  To be honest, they are more afraid of me than I am of them, but there’s something about them being in snow that they aren’t accustom to that always makes me wonder if maybe this will be the time that they will finally realize that they could take me down with one deep breath.  SOOOOO…I talk to them in a silly high pitched voice that to me indicates complete fear, but I hope to them sounds like music and comfort.  The conversation ALWAYS starts with “HEY Babies……..”, and on this particular day the rest of the conversation went something like this….”you’re so pretty and right now cow pictures are really HAUTE (well at least that’s what my designer friends tell me anyway) so how about if you stop chewing on your cud for just two seconds and  look right here into my camera, and let’s try and make this as painless as possible for us both”.  I try to say it with a big ole smile on my face and hope that somehow what I am interrupting as disgust on their face really is just their way of smiling back.  Either way, I sure do have a lot of fun and I’m teasing about them ever hurting me because I know that they would never, but I am not in any way teasing about my fear.

…there is no courage in flirting with fear to prove you’re alive…

Okay snow, this is Atlanta, good riddance to you.   Twice in one winter is more than enough.


snowday2asnowday2oI know he is the bull, but I think he is so pretty and the tear in his eye here melts my heart.  snowday2snowday2jsnowday2bsnowday2gsnowday2hHer smile had me shaking in my boots!snowday2kOkay, on three everybody stick your tongue up your nose for this family portrait because that’s extra haute.snowday2lShe is my all time absolutely without a doubt FAVORITE.  I think she is so sweet and beautiful.  This will be HUGE in our farmhouse.  snowday2msnowday2psnowday2nsnowday2csnowday2dsnowday2fsnowday2esnowday2i

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