This has been the year of NEW things. There’s new friendships, visiting new places, a new camera, and even a new computer (YIPEEE…I went MAC). However, one thing is still the same. I am ALWAYS on time. By virtue of this character trait, it would make perfect sense if I was always the first to get out my Christmas cards, but that just isn’t the case. Maybe it’s because I want to give my clients the opportunity to get their cards out “early” so I’m often buried in editing and design or maybe it’s the fact that my model is a little over modeling after 19 years of being the face of my card. Who knows why, but even though I’m a little bit “tardy” my card seems to make it out every year and every year that’s when I know that it really is ALMOST Christmas.
My dear friend Denise signed one of her messages to me this year “In His Grip”. That was NEW to me and really the first time that I had ever seen someone use that salutation. To be honest it stopped me in my tracks. I have no idea what the rest of her message said, but I knew that those 3 little words meant that I was safe and protected ALWAYS.
Next year is going to be a year of CHANGE (I may even attempt to TWEET). One of my other BIG character traits is being a complete routinist. Anything with structure…yep that’s so Tricia, but I am going to remain “In His Grip” and face these changes head on!
May you all have a safe and very Merry Christmas and may your New Year be filled with meaning for yourself and for all of those NEW and OLD friendships in your life.
Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas Tricia! This week my good friend posted that she had given up the “perfect” idea of making special homemade treats for friends, neighbors, the bus driver, etc. as she has always done in the past~ and gave the rest of us permission to do the same! What a relief that things don’t always have to be done the same way and certainly our imperfections are still made perfect in HIM! Loving that you are “in His grip,” as there is no other place I would want to be! Blessings to you this Christmas and in 2011, ~marci
Gorgeous. Merry Christmas!