Hello 2011…

My hope for 2011 is that when I reflect back on these 365 days that it will be like cracking open a good book.  That I can flip through the pages of memories and know that this was the year that I learned to manage my BUSYNESS in such a way that I always remember that my life is really so much more than being “plugged in” all the time to social media, texting and the constant binging of e-mails.  It’s going to be a year of learning to say “NO” to things that don’t really fit into my busy day and taking the time to ENJOY space. 

I have often heard it said that “we teach our children about life, but our children teach us so much more about what life is all about”!  This year, I am taking a lesson from Chandler about tackling fear and turning it into faith…making life decisions based on hopes and dreams and even some RISK!!!  Isn’t that how you accomplish anything worth having in life?  It may not always be the most direct way to your goal, but it is letting go of control and letting God use you as he sees fit.  That’s my hope for all of us in 2011…What would you attempted to do if you KNEW you couldn’t fail?!?!?  This is the year that we can’t fail…so let’s go out there and attempt to do ________!!!

These boots are my first attempt at making a change (well that and twitter @TriciaLee, and getting to know my Wacom Tablet).  YES…I am usually a little less flamboyant, but I LOVED these boots and even though they aren’t very TRADITIONAL…I took the RISK!  So watch out 2011…HERE WE COME!


Erin Norman | Las Vegas Photographer - January 4, 2011 - 4:32 pm

I feel the same way, about taking risks etc., Tricia Lee!! And those boots are to die for!! 🙂

Niki Manning - January 4, 2011 - 5:45 pm

Hey……….LOVE those boots!! That’s a wonderful start to the new year!! (Are they Old Gringo’s?? Have my eye on a pair!!)

Francine - January 4, 2011 - 5:48 pm

LOVE LOVE LOVE the boots! Rock ’em, Girl!!! Happy New Year!

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