Allison & Lee

You guys all know this sky line. Yes, this was the last wedding I shot in Atlanta before I left. It was an incredible setting on the lake at Piedmont Park. The ceremony was at 6:30, which was a beautiful time to be out looking over the lake and a perfect time for a wedding. Regardless of how hot it was, the bride never once complained and neither did I. Everyone wanted to be outside taking advantage of the beautiful scenery. Thanks Allison, for never noticing the heat. We got some great shots.

After the ceremony, there was quite a PARTY. Allison and Lee know how to have a good time and so do all of their friends. We couldn’t have had more fun than we had with them. The reception flew by and I don’t think that anyone was ready to go home when it ended. Thanks guys for a great start to a wonderful summer wedding season. I can’t wait to see you when I am in Atlanta.


I am coming home. What a neat date this is and very popular for weddings. It just may be the most popular wedding date in history. Check out this article that I found in Time Magazine.

Anyway, I have the pleasure of shooting Cliff and Rachael’s wedding in Atlanta on Saturday, July, 7th 2007. Please check back for several updates on my blog from all of my shoots while I am at home. I can’t wait to see everyone.

Lucia & Juan

This wedding was a learning experience for me. It was filled with customs and rituals and most of the day I found myself caught up in the elegance and beauty of it all. It is always interesting to learn about the customs of other peoples lives, however, in the midst of it all, we are all able to connect on the true emotional level.

Lucia was absolutely beautiful and elegant as you can see, and it was with pleasure and ease that I was able to capture these beautiful portraits of her. After the ceremony was over, we went to an incredible location in Hyde Park (my first visit there) to take some pictures after the with the mariachi band serenading them the whole time. Along the way, I found myself with goose bumps going up and down my arms. It is just a reminder that each wedding is unique and special in it’s own way. Again, I am truly blessed to have such a meaningful job.

Meghan & John

What a way to start my career in Chicago. This couple was a BLAST. Not only were they completely in love, which shows in every shot, but they were surrounded by love and warmth from their family and friends. You all know that I love being a part of such a great group of people. Not only that but the weather is incredible here right now. I think that the high this weekend was 80 degrees and no humidity. It is beautiful, but be sure to check back with me in January.

Midwest family values were everywhere at this wedding. Meghan has three baby brothers, so needless to say she was well taken care of and John passed the “Sweeney” test. He was a great guy and I love the shot where she is listening to the pre-ceremony music. She kept saying “I just want to kiss him”. How sweet is that. I felt like I had known this couple all of my life. Thanks guys for welcoming me with open arms and I hope that you are soaking in up in St. Lucia.


YAY!!!! So many of you have wanted to know about our fall session dates and we have finally nailed them down. THE FALL DATES ARE OUT. Listed below are the current dates that I know that I will be in Atlanta:

July 6th – July 15th
July 27th – 29th
August 3rd – August 12th
September 15th – September 20th
October 14th – 18th
November 11th – November 15th
December 14th – December 16th

Don’t wait to reserve your session time. They will fill up fast. We are going to do some creative Holiday cards this year that I know you all will love. Be sure to call or e-mail right away to guarantee that you get the time that will work best for your family. Also, we are requiring a prepayment of your session fee at the time of your call. I can’t wait to see you all over the next couple of months.