The Stars & Stripes…

Whether your family gathers with friends for a concert or fireworks display with hundreds of other blankets spread out patchwork style, or you opt to skip the crowds and spend the Fourth in your own backyard with red, white and blue touches and a personal supply of sparklers, I hope you all have a safe and happy celebration.  

Cheers to you, America, and all of those who sacrifice so much to protect our freedom.


Creative Designer: Debbie Basnett

Location: Three Hearts Farm


Is there anything more carefree than twirling in a golden pasture in a beautiful vintage gown?  I love nothing more than THIS.



Elizabeth Messina Portraits…

It was with a calm confidence that the very talented Elizabeth Messina encouraged me to replace my reluctance with a smile.  She’s just that GOOD!



Krista | Blue Eyed Yonder - July 2, 2013 - 2:00 pm

Tricia! My whole face is smiling looking at these photos. You are so beautiful on the inside and out. I’m so happy to have met you that week in Sea Island and even happier to now call you my friend. xoxo

Business Cards

Oh my heavens…THIS actually happened!

So, you remember that time you were supposed to go to a pretty amazing event for all of the Creatives in your city and you start searching for your business cards because that’s what you have to take to these kinds of things, and you suddenly realize that you are completely out of them so you hurry to try and order more because after all the event is only a week away and you just can’t show up without them.  THEN, you find out that it’s going to take at least 2 weeks to get the new cards back so you think well maybe you won’t attend said event.  After all, you’re an introvert and you’d much rather be home in your pjs watching the NBA finals, the College World Series, the Braves or even Here Comes Honey Boo Boo (that’s an all time low for this blog) for that matter.  However, you find out that you have a friend that is going to be in Atlanta that night and before you know it you’ve asked them if they are going to said event so NOW you HAVE to attend because you are the invitee and said friend makes it Facebook official that you’re both going to be there…not to mention that it is now 2 days before the event and said event has posted all over social media that everyone MUST bring 2 business cards to enter their raffle and you tend to always have a winning streak at raffles and what if this is the BIG prize kind of raffle and you would have won, but you just didn’t bring a business card!!!

So you think to yourself “you have 48 hours, you’re “an artist” and said event planners even suggested that “homemade cards” are even better…YOU CAN DO THIS”!  Ideas start  flying through your head to make this thing extra fabulous because how hard can it really be,  you only need 2 amazing cards?!?!?! ?  Lo and behold, dread starts creeping in and you start running excuses through your head as to why you can’t go to the event.  You’ll just tell your friend that you suddenly came down with a fever, you forgot you already had other plans that night, whatever it takes to get out of going, all because you just don’t want to make 2 amazing business cards…it’s a lot of pressure,  people.

Before you know it, it’s 2 hours until you’re supposed to walk out the door and you don’t have a fever of any kind, you’re kinda excited to see everyone AND you’ve somehow made plans to meet up with another dear friend at said event so of course you’re now GOING!

You slowly stroll over to your computer, open up photoshop and grab the first pretty picture that you see, you slap your name and web address on there and print it on the nicest card-stock that you have in your office draw.  As if this isn’t lame enough…you cut the cards out with scissors which we all know never ever makes for a straight line and you have to keep trimming it up to try and make it straighter until your cards go from 2×3 inches to 1.05 (crooked line) x 2.35 (other crooked line) and you’ve accidentally chopped off the first w of, but your out of time, frustrated and don’t really even care anymore.

The whole drive into Atlanta you are dreading the moment they ask for your business cards, and silently praying that you don’t have to make eye contact when they collect them OR even worse, that they don’t decide to do some sort of “show and tell” where you introduce yourselves and wear a badge all night long with your business card attached to your chest like a badge of courage or in your case shame.

OK…this never ever really happened to you, but it DID happen to me last week and to make matters worse…I didn’t even win the raffle AND said event spread beautiful photos all over social media of some of their favorite business cards from that evening…I’m not sure which hurt more

A.)  that they didn’t choose my card to share or

B.)  the anticipation/horror that for some ridiculous reason they would choose it and they would put it on Instagram/Facebook/Twitter for all the world to see.

Yes, I totally looked like the most unprofessional/newbie photographer ever, but the good news is we had a wonderful time.  The event was simply amazing and the creative collaboration  of these talented folks left me reeling for days.  It was great seeing old friends and making new ones.

Below is the darling picture that I grabbed to use on my “homemade” cards.  It had potential to be extra fabulous, but the execution, well, it just wasn’t there.   One thing I know for sure….you won’t ever catch me running out of business cards again.  I guess it’s true what they say; that we are never too old to learn valuable lessons and I heard this one loud and painfully clear.

Congratulations to those that won the raffle and the whole Camp team…you guys blow my socks off!


ginny branch - June 24, 2013 - 7:27 am


Did you put your card in our basket? When we were going through them we didn’t see yours?? We had a handmade category and we loved any and all attempts that people made to make one in time for the event! I’m going to have to go and check the pile again…

We’re so glad you came and I’m so sorry that we didn’t see yours!!

admin - June 24, 2013 - 7:37 am

The event was fantastic, Ginny. I am so glad that we all came and got to see you guys and meet new friends.
I did cast my card in the basket from a distance, but couldn’t be more thankful that it wasn’t seen :).
I promise to get you a whole stack of the new beautifully designed ones once they come in, and I need to busy myself deciding which classes I want to be a part of. To be honest, I want to take them all.

Three Hearts Farms…

This editorial shoot was such a labor of love for me.  I have had my eye on this particular farm long before we ever moved to the area.  It is not only full of so much natural beauty , but full of Southern tradition, art and elegance.  I adore every single bit of it.

I’m once again so very thankful to have collaborated with my dear friend and designer, Debbie Basnett, who has a unique way of making my visions come to life.

We worked an extra long day and wound up chasing the very last bit of light, but I have decided that this backyard is where light goes to show off.  Actually,    I ‘m convinced of it.  It’s beyond perfection, and can’t you just imagine the stories that were made right here on this very tree-swing.

There’s so much more coming soon…ENJOY!!!