Millie turns 1…

It’s been just a little bit busy around here lately.  Like brain won’t quit and can’t sleep at night kind of busy, but I couldn’t wait to share a sweet sneak of Miss Millie’s one year session.  She and her brothers spent a day with us on the farm, and I fondly refer to this image as proof that “ladylikeness is optional, but curiosity and PEARLS are mandatory” here.

Happy Birthday, sweet girl…your first year went by way too quickly.


Sweetness of Summer…

We share a love for farmlife and creative collaborations.

  And although our conversation went on for hours it had a way of feeling like only brief moments.

Hope that you all are enjoying the sweetness of summer and the simplicity of such meaningful conversations.

Happy Friday.


Granite Links…

Last weekend was fantastic.  I went to New England to visit Chandler before the beginning of camp and what hopes to be a fun football season.

Everyone has started posting those annual “back to school” pictures of their kids and I can’t even imagine that it is already that time of year again.  Not to date myself, but boy I sure do miss the good old days when August meant scorching temperatures and endless summer nights…NOT school buses and homework.

Anyway, this is my version of our day on the golf course.  Despite growing up on a course, it has been years since I have played and I currently have no intention of starting again.  It was the perfect opportunity for me to be the cart driver/photographer.  The day was unbelievably picturesque and one of us left at peace and in awe of the beauty while the other may have been a little less cheerful and possibly a little frustrated, but we’ll chalk it up as a win-win nonetheless.

As this summer draws to an end, I hope you all have spent plenty of time laughing and loving until your cups runneth over.



Artful Blogging Fall 2013…

I’m totally thrilled to find my blog featured in the Fall issue of Artful Blogging.  To see more photos and learn more about some amazingly talented bloggers you can currently pick up a copy of the magazine at Barnes and Noble.

I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday.


Camp Workshops (Business Basics)…

When creative people collaborate, AMAZING things always seem to happen.  I LOVED getting to be creative with the very talented gals at Camp Workshops a few weeks ago .

In order to cultivate a creative community, the truth remains:

We all need each other!


The gorgeous Shanna Skidmore was the Camp counselor for this class.  She is not only a sweetheart, but a unique combination of a creative spirit and the logic of business wisdom that so many of us lack.

 If you are a right brain thinking artist, please be sure to reach out to her and she will be more than happy to help you keep your small business on a successful track.  Here in the south, there can never be a successful gathering without some delicious eats and laughter!If you are an artist, then you know you don’t ever want to miss an opportunity to spend any amount of time at The Goat Farm.  It’s a little bit of a hidden gem, but a true gem indeed.

I must admit that I was in total awe of Ginny Branch’s and Amy Osaba’s home studio which is located at The Goat Farm.  Their sense of style can not be denied and don’t tell them, but I am coming back really soon just to photograph all of the fantastic details in the space that they have created together…these two continue to inspire me.   

Melody Munn - July 24, 2013 - 4:42 pm

Love this post and beautiful images! CAMP is so inspiring!